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About us

Finding talent is a difficult task, and an even harder one to find a great cultural fit.

That’s why we created Resourcely; the one and only place where you can discover the perfect technology experts to snap into your project, like the last piece of a puzzle. We use our 100000’s of hours of industry experience to vet and rate hundreds of development houses from around the world, and their resources, to provide you with the best and right fit for your budget and project.

Because we know that it’s not just a project, it’s your baby and we want to help it grow up right.


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I have spent my life dedicated to becoming a technology expert and leader of enterprise technology companies, growing and adapting with the changes in the industries with which I have been involved. I am constantly working to find the most cutting-edge tools and best practices to keep improving what I do and how I do it. I am also talented at managing others to help them refine their craft and excel at the work they bring to the table. I have vast experience with designing, planning, architecting and building products as well as collaborating with others to make company goals a reality. I believe that organization, inspiration, and diligence are key ingredients to accomplishing even the toughest tasks.


Leverages the experience of a 22+ year career including two CTO roles and 3 CEO roles. Focuses energy on helping companies grow through adaptive engineering techniques, SEO optimization, and utilizing the right technology for the job. Sharpens his blade on learning the latest tech, cloud solutions, and processes to make development faster and more reliable.

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